Customizing your ZHS terminal with Prezto & PowerLevel10K

Josephine Gyamera
4 min readApr 17, 2021

Learning how to use a terminal can be more frustrating when everything you see on your screen is just black and white. To light up things, we’ll make use of some fantastic ZSH frameworks and fonts out there.

Terminal in brief

Terminal, also known as a command-line interface(CLI), makes it easier to send commands such as creating files and folders, reading files, opening files/folders, and automating complex and straightforward actions to the operating system. Knowing how to use the Terminal can save so much of your time in executing simple/complex commands on your computer.

In this blog, I will share with you some things to do to make your terminal more user friendly.

This blog is divided into the following:

  1. Homebrew
  2. ZHS
  3. Homebrew cask-fonts
  4. Nerd font
  5. Prezto setup
  6. Terminal configuration with installed packages
  7. Bonus for programmers

Let’s dive right into it!

STEP 1: Homebrew installation

Homebrew is a free, open-source software for package management/installation on Apple’s macOS. You can install Homebrew by running the following command in your terminal

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

With brew installed, let’s install the next, Zsh, thus, if it’s not your default shell.

STEP 2: ZHS installation

Zsh, also known as Z shell is an extended Bourne shell(Bash) with improvement and more features that can be used as an interactive login shell or command interpreter for scripting.

Apple recently made Zsh the default shell. If you do not have it installed yet, you can perform the following actions to get your macOS to use zsh.

Let’s install Zsh with brew

brew install zsh

STEP 3: Cask-fonts

Next, we will get homebrew to tap cask-fonts by running the following command

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts

